day 1
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
9:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast
10:00 Welcome! Alexandra M. Pickett, Associate Director, SUNY Learning Network
10:15 – 11:15 Carey Hatch, Associate Provost for Academic Technologies and Information Services – SLN and Open SUNY update
11:15 – 12:15 Dr. Meg Schedel and Jennifer Adams
SUNY’s First Coursera MOOC: More than the Front Row Experience
In this presentation we discuss the challenges of designing and creating content for a Massive Open Online Course which we used to flip the classroom students taking the class for credit in person. We will show examples of lectures and show the features of the Coursera platform. We will share both qualitative and quantitative results from surveys, the course forums, and the eportfolio sites created by our world wide student body.
12:15 – 1:15 LUNCH (open networking opportunity)
1:15 – 2:15 Dr. Peter Shea
Does Online Learning Inhibit or Support Community College Student Success?
Using a nationally representative sample (The Beginning Postsecondary Student Survey, BPS 04/09), this study examined the associations between enrollment in credit-bearing distance education courses and degree attainment. We sought to determine whether US students enrolled in online/distance education courses during their first year of study at a community college tend to complete a degree (certificate, associate, or bachelor’s) at significantly lower rates than those who were not enrolled in such courses or programs. Unlike previous researchers, our findings indicated that students who take some of their early courses online or at a distance have a significantly better chance of attaining a community college credential than do their classroom-only counterparts. Implications for policy, practice, and theory related to student attrition, persistence, and success will be discussed.
2:15 – 5:15 Michelle Pacansky-Brock, College Educator and Online Faculty Development Specialist
How to help online faculty humanize the online teaching and learning experience
Learning online can be an isolating experience for online students. As an online instructional designer you can assist faculty to understand that with targeted course design and facilitation techniques, online classes can be more stimulating, meaningful, and relevant. This workshop will present a valuable toolkit of emerging technologies that you can use and share with your online faculty to incorporate into their online teaching to humanize online learning by improving social presence. You will also learn how to help faculty improve the percentage of students willing to participate with voice comments using a simple research-based course design approach. All participants will be provided with a “goody bag” of links for continued learning.
*The tools featured in this workshop will be primarily web-based so please bring a laptop to participate in hands-on activities.
3:30 – 3:45 Break
5:15 Q&A, Wrap up, Review, & Summit Preview
Dinner on your own.